Wuo Tai Massage

WuoTai massage osteopathy and dance. WuoTai massage is based on a contemporary vision of the human anatomy, embryology and the research in neuroscience. WuoTai massage targets all connective tissues, organs and joints. Wuo Tai massage invites the mixing of elliptical movements on the ground, at the border between the gestures of yesterday and today.

Wuo Tai massage is practiced at any age and explores the immense variety of quiet gestures of the body. Wuo Tai massage is releasing mobility by balancing the centres of gravity as all structures move. Wuo Tai massage increases neurovascular-nervous exchanges and stabilize them. Wuo Tai massage stretch and dance the muscular-aponeurotic chains by tying and untying them.Wuo Tai massage brings flexibility, strength, agility, and balance.

Wuo Tai Massage is performed on a mat on the floor; both client and practitioner are dressed in comfortable clothing allowing ease of movement and flexibility.

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Stelios Malekakis
+30 6973 678 828

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